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Sois le héros que nous recherchons.


We are looking for somebody to join our team in our offices in Geneva, Lausanne or Bidart. We need somebody with analytical skills that is willing to take the challenge of helping us grow.

The selected person has to be comfortable using tools like Kubernetes or the ELK stack. Other experience in Tomcat or MariaDB will also be a plus. He/She will help redesign, develop and maintain our cloud infrastructure used in production by hundreds of clients as well as expanding the development clusters used by our bioinformaticians.


  • Develop tools to maintain and optimize computing clusters.
  • Port some of our tools developed in Azure to other cloud providers like AWS
  • Help the bioinformaticians find the tools they need and use the cloud efficiently
  • Discuss with our clients about their infrastructure requirements and help them with our product
  • Promptly resolve issues and perform maintenance tasks our infrastructure in production and in development

The selected person will:

  • Be completely comfortable in Linux environments, specially CentOS.
  • Be analytical and figure out why something does not work as it should.
  • Be responsible of their work and cautious.

Votre profil


  • Experience with ElasticSearch, Kibana and MariaDB
  • Experience with Automation tools like Ansible or Puppet
  • Experience with Kubernetes or another orchestrator tool


Preferred Skills

  • Experience working on cloud native development and design in AWS or Azure
  • Java development experience
  • Demonstrated ability to quickly grasp new technologies
  • Strong team player who enjoys working in a fast-paced startup.
  • Bachelor’s in computer science or a related major
  • Experience with Terraform or another provisioning tools
  • Highly proficient in spoken and written English. French and other languages an asset

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